Cheshire & Warrington Access to Finance Seminars
Delivered in partnership with the Cheshire & Warrington Growth Hub, Cheshire West & Chester Council & Warrington Borough council the Access to Finance Seminars programme aims to support Cheshire & Warrington based businesses to better understand the current environment for both public and private investment, how to access them and what steps you should undertake within your business prior to applying.
The seminar series will bring knowledgeable and experienced speakers together to explore all aspects of business financing from start-up to large scale equity deals.
Accessing Finance For Growth – Thursday 3rd February 2022 – 10:00 – 11:30
This free informative webinar has been designed to guide business understand some of the options available to free-up and raise finance to support growth plans.
Do you have ambitious plans to grow your business in 2022? Does your business need investment to make your plans a reality?
Join Blue Orchid & Cheshire & Warrington Growth Hub for a informative online seminar which will guide business owners through the various options for financing growth, what the best option might be for you and what you need consider before applying for finance.
The session will include expert speakers from organisations which provide finance to SMEs who will guide you through what is available and how is can be accessed.
Event Programme
- Introduction & Overview of Cheshire & Warrington business support
- Raising & Releasing Finance for Investment through better business Management including better cashflow management, Asset finance, Banking facilities e.g. overdraft
- Invoice Factoring/discounting – Invoice Factoring (also known as Debt Factoring or just Factoring) is ideal for businesses who are either keen to grow fast or facing cash flow challenges where a factoring provider lends against your customer invoices, enabling you to receive most of the invoice cash value immediately rather than waiting weeks or months to get paid.
- Debt Finance/ Equity Finance
- Alternative finance – i.e. Crowd Funding/Kickstarter, Peer to Peer Lending, Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFI), Business Angels
Understanding R&D Tax Credits – Thursday 24th February 2022 – 10:00 – 11:30
Tools for better Cashflow Management – March 2022
Growth Finance Planning – tbc
The Finance Advice for Start-ups and young businesses seminar is aimed at those looking to access finance of between £1,000 – £25,000 in order to start a new business or support growth as young micro/small SME.
Delivered by expert speakers the event covers;
- Introduction to Cheshire & Warrington Growth Hub – Dave Saddlington
- The basics of financial control and identifying funding sources – delivered by Blue Orchids expert finance advisor and qualified accountant Mike Byrne who has more than 36 years’ experience covering Accountancy, Enterprise, Business Finance and Economic Development.
- UK Start-up Loans programme – Glenn Hyde, Senior Loan Manager, GC Finance. Glens role this involves working closely with a team of Business Advisors and Business Mentors to ensure that applicants receive the best level of customer service and are assisted in acquiring start up finance.
- Cheshire and Warrington Business Growth Programme (BGP). The University of Chester one of the delivery partners for BGP, will outline their support which can provide grants of up to 50% towards the cost of projects that will help a small business to grow.
- High St Business Banking start-up and growh finance, Sarah Bailey, Director Business Banking, NatWest