Evaluation and Analysis
At Blue Orchid we believe that good projects begin with robust and critical appraisals, great ones begin by carrying out thorough evaluation of your last. We conduct detailed evaluation of programmes, projects and policies across a range of business support and economic developments areas.
As a programme management provider and service deliverer Blue Orchid understands the challenges faced in delivering ‘on the ground’, supporting real businesses and entrepreneurs. The experience and knowledge which we bring to the complex challenge of appraising funding applications and evaluating projects is also one of our key strengths.
In recent years we have;
- Worked with Local Authorities and Local Action Groups (LAGs) to provide Appraisal services for LEADER funding applications.
- Provided GVA and Economic Impact Assessments for large scale SFA and ERDF capital funding applications.
- Project evaluation and impact assessments of both our own and external client’s business start-up and business support programmes.
- Developed successful ERDF funding applications for business support services, start-up training and grant administration projects.
Blue Orchid collates and analyses programme monitoring, performance and cost data to understand whether a completed project has successfully delivered the required services, achieve the desired impacts and provided a value for money service against both the initial appraisal goals and is benchmarked against similar programmes.
In addition, we bring our own experience of delivering complex support programme to bear on our process resulting in the added value of a report which provides both a qualitative and quantitive evaluation of your project.
Blue Orchid's senior management have been responsible for the programme management of significant funding allocations for both regional and local economic development programmes, including the appraisal of major capital and revenue projects. As such we can provide project appraisal services to clients on both a one-off or an ongoing call-off basis.
We will review the design principles of programmes and their strategic fit with national and local policies. We are consider delivery models, stakeholder and partner engagement, fiscal management and performance measurement and reporting. This identifies risks and challenges, assesses value for money and provides a funding recommendation that you can be sure will be both independent and robust.
We understand that resources within many organisations, particularly in the public sector, are scarce and there may not currently be the capacity and expertise to conduct the economic and policy research, stakeholder engagement and partner negotiations necessary to develop large scale business support or start-up programmes and then write a comprehensive bids for UK or EU funding.
At Blue Orchid our ability to develop innovative programmes which retain straightforward delivery models and provide value for money. This is one of our unique strengths and one that contributes directly to our success in writing clear, accessible and successful funding applications.